Schedule an Irlen Screening
If you are a resident of the Boston area, Metrowest, eastern Massachusetts or northern New England and believe that you or someone you know may have Irlen Syndrome...
Call Dorie Cameron at 508-872-1010 extension 101 or e-mail
Dorie Cameron, Certified Irlen Screener, LICSW, CIS
Dorie Cameron is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Irlen Screener and published author. She has over 25 years of professional experience including a BA in Elementary Education. She has extensive training in psychology, education, creativity and yoga. She has created and led Conscious Intentional Parenting circles, coached parents and worked with teachers. Dorie approaches life holistically and feels honored to walk with people as they find their way to living their fullest potential.
“Irlen Syndrome affects a wide variety of people and yet it remains a relatively hidden condition. In fact, for far too long, I was unaware of Irlen Syndrome and its impact. I feel very strongly that as a world, we would all benefit if each child, in every school, was automatically screened and that physicians were aware that concussions and certain medical conditions can cause Irlen Syndrome. The effect of untreated Irlen on someone of any age is far reaching and life undermining! The longer it goes untended, the more someone comes to painful and incorrect self perceptions. This is avoidable, given what we know. We can help!
I feel passionately that if someone is living with unrecognized and untreated Irlen s/he is working much harder than necessary. S/he is being needlessly challenged at many levels – physically, emotionally, relationally - and is not able to truly express his/her gifts in the world. When this is the case, we all lose. My joy is to assist people so they are able to realize their full potential!”
- Dorie
Contact Dorie
Irlen Works
Dorie Cameron, LICSW, CIS
508-872-1010 x101